Thursday, March 27, 2008

Almost Time for "Big School"

Today I took the kids for their yearly well check-ups.  Abby was also having her "Kindergarten Screening" visit.  To be five years old and almost ready for school, she is still scared of certain things and one for certain are shots!!!  This time last year she was fine with it.  She got all the necessary immunizations last year (which parents who have four year olds, do that).  It was a good thing because she pouted all the way to Memphis.  Then, she bawled and squalled as soon as we entered the door of the doctors' office.  She wouldn't go back from the waiting area.  She was screaming, "I don't want a shot!!  I don't want a shot"  Not only was I frustrated, but it was a little embarassing.  I'm used to this type of behavior from Elliott (which is acceptable for a toddler), but not Angel Abby.  She finally stopped crying till Dr. Scott came in.  She still cried even after the doc reassured her there would be no shot today!  You see, she's had Strep Throat 3 times in the last 9 months.  Which means she's had a shot each time.  I can honestly say that shot was a doozy...I'm the one that gave her strep the second time.  So I guess she has legitimate reasons to hate shots... it still makes for a stressful time at the doctors' office.  After all the drama, Abby got to show how smart she is!!  She read the eye chart and knew all the letters.  Dr. Scott asked her to count to 5.  She did, then said, "I can count to 20."  She had several show-off moments, which made me both proud and sad.  Sad because it seems like yesterday when we were blessed by her birth, now she's starting school.


Anonymous said...

Jill, I am calling SCAN on you for your obvious abuse of poor little Abby Jane. I'm going to see if we can adopt her. We might let you come and visit, if you promise to leave your strep infections in West Memphis.

Unknown said...

I am so excited you have started a blog!! Yah!! It is so addicting! But a lot more fun than myspace or facebook! I agree those are getting old!

KimMc said...

I am so glad that you have joined the blogging world! Come check us out at
Your kids are getting so big!