Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh No!

I've become what I don't like... that's a person who has a blog, but NEVER updates it! Well, I don't have an excuse anymore. I know how to update it, and I have more time now than I used to so I HAVE NO EXCUSE!!! The entire family arrived in Orlando on December 30, 2008. It's hard to believe we've been here almost 2 months now! Since moving, here our some highlights from the past two months 1. Abby started a new school called The First Academy, otherwise known as TFA. 2. Doug got another motorcycle. 3. I celebrated my 34th birthday at Magic Kingdom while Doug was in Germany for 10 days. 4. Abby and Doug attended First Orlando's Daddy/Daughter date night. 5. We bought annual passes for the family at Disney. That last one is probably the most exciting of all of them! We plan on visiting one of the parks at least once a week. We'll see if we actually do that. Once summer rolls around, it may be too hot! Here's a few pictures of what we've been up to!

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